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Inquiry & Follow-up Services

Phone and web inquiries are the #1 vehicle for enrollment growth. Why would you leave these essential contacts up to part-time employees? Is the cost of having a full-time dedicated admissions director too high? Does it spread your staff thin and ramp up inefficiency if you rely on them to handle inquiries? Do you regularly follow-up with those who need a little more time to make a decision? Does your institution have difficulty treating an inquiry as an actual sales opportunity?

If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions, then Admissions Annex is right for you. We treat potential clients with care and respect, while making sure we are readily available to them. Every contact, even in the education industry, is a sales opportunity. We understand this and nurture every contact as a potential enrollment.

Technology Development & Support

We have experience, knowledge and access to rapid database development, telephony, and networking technologies. We currently utilize many of the latest, most stable and reliable technologies in our call center to provide our customers with the kind of real-time information and support they need to succeed. What if we don’t currently have the systems in place to support your needs? No problem – we can build them.

Testing & Tour Appointments

Institutions requiring testing, interviews, or tour appointments can rely on us to properly schedule and report appointments with real-time, web-based reporting. We make appointment scheduling and management a snap.

Tuition Payment Management

We have experience with various student loan programs and loan processing services. These programs, along with our software application, autoDraft™, provides many of our clients with additional tuition payment options.

Quality Service Guarantee

We develop a quality service guarantee for all of our customers. Our goal is to prove to our clients that we can exceed measured goals, and we back it up in writing.

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